New Year's Resolutions
It’s 2018! Happy New Year! Year of the Dog
We asked some of our friends “What is your New Year’s Resolution?” and here’s what we heard.
We hope you find inspiration in these resolutions in case you don't have one yet!
“Stand up straight and delete emails after I respond and respond more quickly.”
“My resolution was to read more books and less magazines....I always get mentally trapped into reading the stacks of magazines that are both at home and at the studio and I never read any of the wonderful books that I have sitting by my bedside that I know will add to the richness of my life. This will be an act of true self discipline for me!”
“I was going to get hypnotized to hate carbs and shopping. However I’m afraid to go because I saw a Woody Allen movie where someone was hypnotized to murder people so instead I resolve to try to avoid carbs and shopping through sheer will power. Wish me luck.”
“Not to say FUCK so much”
“Practice putting for my golf game and be kind to myself.”
“Mine is to learn new things this year…..last year I learned all about horses, care and feeding and western and english riding, and bought two for myself, took lessons, etc.”
“This year I am going to learn ballet, and I already installed a ballet barre in our house and began taking lessons in town. I also want to get some chickens and have fresh eggs, and enroll in Italian classes so that I can improve my Italian.”
“Drink more”
“Stretch more”
“Learn new recipes”
“Try not to wear workout clothes all day”
“Think before I speak/ react..sleep on it”
“Make a bigger effort to nurture friendships that lift me up”
“Go to more comedy shows”
“Floss more”
What's your New Year's resolution?