Acne Spot Treatments

Acne is frustrating and unfortunately affects everyone no matter how old you are. Here are two of our favorite acne spot treatments. They’re both effective and natural and both are applied directly on the blemish with a cotton swab.


Burt’s Bees Natural Acne Solutions

Burt’s Bee Acne spot treatment is combination of tea tree oil and salicylic acid. It is non-drying and really works.


Zippity DewDab Spot on Skin Treatment

Living Libation’s Zippity Dewdab is a slightly stronger treatment with a mixture of herbal ingredients and pure essential oils.


EndZit® Acne Control Drying Lotion

This is another go-to product that does the job by drying out those pesty spots overnight. It’s the only solution that conceals as it heals!